What is SocialShake.com? A foundation for keeping relationships!

SocialShake is a new Social Network to keep everyone’s life connected. To completely understand how our service was started you first need to know our story. Here at SocialShake we believe throughout our lives everyone goes through several life changing events. These life events might be going to college, joining the military reserves, living in our first apartment, beginning a professional career and advancing within our career, plus many others. As we live and experience our life events we leave a footprint. Also we have footprints online especially with more and more people coming online. The online footprints can be email addresses, instant message accounts, and social networks that we use. These footprints are our relationships with the people we knew during that time. Over time we tend to stay in touch with everyone but eventually one may lose contact. That’s where we come in.

We believe our lives and relationships are complex but staying in touch with everyone we know should not be difficult. Regardless where we lived, went to school, worked, or even what technology that we’ve used in the past, we want to keep everyone connected through life’s journey. That is why we leave footprints of our life. These footprints are that extra piece of information that we associate with someone outside of just their name.

With SocialShake you tell us your footprints. Simply create your footprint under the Contact Information section within your profile. This information will allow others to find you. Now you can go ahead and list your addresses, phone and cell phone numbers, email addresses, instant message accounts, social networks, work, organizations, military, and school. When life changes simply update your SocialShake information and everyone will always be connected with you.

As we continue to live life to the fullest we never have to look back with wonder, we now have a solution to stay connected!

SocialShake website: http://www.socialshake.com

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